Saturday, August 6, 2005

Ten Blessings

My friend has this small box that say "Have A Wonderful Life" contains cards that lets you do one thing to make life worthwhile. I picked out a card today and it said: 'Make a list of TEN blessings you got today. Having an attitude of gratitude is one of the best ways to shoo a bad day away. It reminds us to keep our eyes ever open to the many gifts God continually gives to us!'

And I believe in what the li'l card says. And so to make the day better and brighter, here is my Ten Blessings for the Day:

1] The morning. God woke me up this day and gave me another opportunity to live life.

2] The rain. Not all people might appreciate the water drops from heaven - but I do. And other God's creatures also do. The rain is sustenance. It's refreshing to the mind and to the soul And for that, I consider the rain a blessing.

3] My job. I've been here for almost 3months now. And everyday I'm just thankful that I have the job. It may not be my dream job, but hey, as long as it keeps food on the table I can't complain.

4] Lucky Me! Sotanghon meal. I got drunk yesterday and there was no food in my system. And when I got home I didn't take anything that will keep my stomach warm. And so I woke up with a really terrible feeling. Thank goodness for the hot sotanghon meal...I'm now back to my giddy self.

5] The office water dispenser. It gave my sotanghon the heated water to cook it. It gives me constant relief when my throat just seems so dry already. And mostly because it's free! Hehe!

6] Josh Hartnett. His picture...the one posted on my station. Without it I can go crazy! It makes me sane, it makes me smile...*sigh*

7] "Almost Married " book by Tara FT Sering. Keeps me occupied when there's nothing to do at work.

8] My cellphone. Keeps me connected with my oh-so-wonderful friends.

9] My mom and my sister. They make me feel loved. Just this morning, when I woke up, I found by my bedside a letter from my sister. And my mom went with me to work because she knows it's dangerous. *Sigh* They love me!

10] And lastly, my friend's "Wonderful Life" steered me on a happy path this day!!! =)

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