Lotsa things to blog about. But I don't have the time right now. So I'm just going to post this entry I've typed weeks ago...sorry for the mush...
"Of Trouble Sleeping"
It was a surprise. Even to me. Finding out that this guy I've been crushing on is more than just a crush. I prolly knew that. But I never owned up to it until that Sunday morning when I cried talking about him. Or perhaps even before that. When I woke up on Saturday night, hard of breathing, afraid that I'll never see him again -- all because I had this bad dream that he died in an accident. I wanted to send him an SMS then and there, just to make sure he was ok. But I didn't want to appear like I cared so much. Sounds crazy, I know. But when you're a woman, experiencing a rare moment of insecurity because object of affection is currently involved with a model whom you're pretty sure has everything you'll never measure up to, you end up feeling there's no sense in trying.
You know how, in your life, everyone you end up liking seem to fall under one category? And then you meet this one person who deviates from your template of the 'likable' guy and you think to yourself, "I'm never going to crush on him." Then boom, one day, you know you're not just crushing on him but you're actually falling for him. Because as you spend more and more time with him, you find out that there's more than that initial reaction of boringness. In fact, you find out that he's everything but boring. What's more, he makes you feel like you don't have to pretend around him. Everything just comes so naturally. It was especially nice when you found out that you can actually drag him to a carinderia and he won't mind. And that he actually enjoys it. Then without a warning, you start thinking about more simple mornings spent with him. More laughters. More talks. And more of those rare, effortless moments that are so mundane but are able to make your heart go aflutter. But just when these moments - or the mere memories of them - paint a smile in your face, he talks about the special girl in his life. Then you realize that these moments only evoke special memories in you and that he'll never see them in the same way you do. Perhaps even then, when you start recalling about these moments more and more, you already felt that you were falling. But since there's this seemingly perfect girl who's making him happy, you tried to suppress the emotions. So hard. That one day, it just came bursting out and you had nothing else to do but confess - even just to yourself - that you've fallen for the one guy you said you never will.
I know this is an overly dramatic post about someone I'm pretty sure is going to stay as just a friend. But sometimes I can't help but wonder why it always has to be a case of unrequited love. And this time, I'm wondering more and more because for the first time in all the unrequited loves of my life, I'm wishing so hard that this is the one that will make me say, "Hey, it wasn't unrequited after all..."
Curled up in bed with: Fear of Flying Erica Jong
All ears to: Is It You? Cassie
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