Friday, July 7, 2006

Karen's Crazy World Episode 3

***this will be the last of my crazy episodes...and thankfully, this one's not as crazy as the last two! =)

Karen's Crazy World Epsiode 4: Of Girl Talks, 'Water', and C2...This Shall Happen Again! (June 5 going June 6)

After two weeks of an almost-everyday encounter with 'water', Annabs and I decided that it's but right to stay away from 'water' for some time just so our sytem can detoxify. So that's what we've been doing. Until...

Honestly, work's starting to be really, really boring. I mean, people at work are sooo quiet. Don't get me wrong. Some of them are really nice and it's okay talking with them. But the thing is, most of the time, they talk only when Annabs and I talk to them. Not that I'm being a ham, but we're the life of the office! You'd hear laughter and talks in the small room only when Annabs and I start up a conversation. Since being the entertainer wears out after awhile without much input from the audience, we got tired after awhile. We tried out everything to get them to "party" even while working. All efforts, unfortunaly, were in vain.

Since Annabs and I were used to colors and happiness, we got bored with the whole situation. We - or at least I - had to drag myself to work almost everyday. The colorful clothes I wear no longer worked in making me gay. Add the 6-day work week to that and you get one really, really bored Karen. And on Annabs' part, the non-existence of alcohol made the whole thing almost unbearable. So on Tuesday, I let her have her taste of water...the first in two weeks.

We went to Behrouz and met with Kints and Val. I was so proud of myself: I was surrounded by my beloved Red Horse yet I manged to stave off the call of beer. I ordered C2. The night was the happiest Annabs and I have been for the longest time!

We got updates from Val and her Batangas-tripping and 24-watching boss-slash-"constant" date...who I wish will be - to borrow Annabs' words - "Val's favorite word - open". Also updates from Kints who kept on saying, over and over, "May boyfriend na ko." Although things are looking good for her and Bunso (the second of four), Kints seem to have the same problem as Val...OPEN-NESS. Nakupow!

The night ended with four guys offering us a free round of beer (Val was not with us anymore at this point). I said "No, thanks" but Kints indulged them and let herself be treated to not just one, not just two, but THREE bottles of San Mig Light. Maybe it was the start of Hailie's reinvention because at that time I was so suplada, not even joining in the converation; when normally, on situations like these, I am so out there, flirting, flipping my hair, and laughing. This time out, I let Kints entertain the group of four even when it was pretty obvious that one of the guys (I failed to remember his name even after just 5minutes of him introducing himself) was into me. Maybe I'm morphing into a manang. Or maybe I'm just tired of the scene. Surely after Episodes 1 and 2 (and an episode that I failed to mention here), I have learned my lesson. Some people are just not worth the effort. Especially if these people get your number and asks you if he can take you home because "baka hindi mo na kaya" when he knows perfectly well that all you drank was C2. And most especially if that person texts you, "Where n u?" Aargh! Double "Aargh" if he calls you at around 6:30 in the morning and NOT TALK AT ALL. Sigh...why do I have the penchant for attracting the wrong guys?

Yet that was just one scene in a good episode. Just like any TV show, nothing goes perfect. That was just the hitch.

Anyways, to Annabs, Val, and Kints...this won't be our last episode. After June 30, Hailie shall have "water" again. Amen.

Feeling: Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLovestruck
All ears: Fix You Coldplay

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