Sunday, July 9, 2006

Hailie's Ramblings

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U.P. is off to a good start on UAAP's Season 69, beating UST 94-92. May this be the start to that UAAP Finals we have all been cheering for in the past who-knows-how-long.

UP Fight! Up Fight! UP Fight!

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Tonight is the Men's Finals at Wimbledon. I'm cheering for Rafael Nadal. Not just because he already won the French Open, but I honestly think he's on the road to being one of the greatest tennis champs of all time.

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And Karen had a date with sister dear this afternoon, finally giving in to pleadings that we watch what is arguably the most awaited movie of the year, Superman Returns.

The movie was...pretty. Not beautiful. Just pretty. It was so good visually but I don't think I can exactly say the same for the story and the execution. There were moments that the movie was so blah, and there were moments that it was exceptionally amazing - whether it was because the movie really had its great moments or because Brandon Routh was such a yummy Superman, don't ask me...I personally don't know. Haha! Give me time to view the movie three to four more times and I'll give you an honest answer.

Yet I do have to agree with Ryan when he said that the movie gives viewers a sense of detachment. It does have the ability to make you, as the viewier, feel like you really are just an outsider looking in. Superman returned, so what? Lois Lane had a child that can most possibly be Superman's, I don't care. Lex Luthor now has the power to create a whole new world and I don't give a damn. Sayang. Especially in a superhero movie, it's important to feel that connection, the involvement of the audience. After all, you are watching someone who is supposed to be your hero, whom you are supposed to love. But if the movie made you feel as if this whole damn thing is fictional, then you also don't care much about what happens to the character. This time out, I'll be honest by saying that I only cried when Superman was (*spoiler ahead*) in the brink of death in the hospital because I'd hate to see Superman go withiout him knowing that he has a son...and because I'd hate to miss the chance to see Brandon Routh appear as Superman in big screen again. Hehe!

But I'll give it to Bryan Singer, the director. He really made the film so nice to look at that if you're an ordinary moviegoer, you can't help but be awed. It's your typical, "OMG! That was such an awesome movie. Did you see the effects? Wow." movie.

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You must have noticed by now that Karen is so taken by Brandon Routh. He's one hot guy. The first time I saw him - in posters - I was like, "That guy is so Photoshop-ed. Surreal." If you had the same reaction, let me tell have to see this person move and act and you'll know he's for real. That he is a breathing human being. And then you can't help but fall in love with him. All throughout the movie I must have uttered, "Ang guwapo niya" a million times! My God, he's truly the man of my dreams...

Or maybe not.

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Because the same afternoon I watched Superman, I saw Mark Bautista. Sigh. I love that guy.

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Does the world really need a Superman?


And no.

I'm already too excited for a Bulacan fiesta that I don't have too many smart words right now to explain my answer. Next time. Maybe. But not now. ^^

Feeling: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Super Happy
All ears: still Buwan Wickermoss

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