Sunday, February 8, 2009

Of the past and its effects on Hailie

Three pseudo-relationships. All ending up with the guy 'cheating'. End result is Hailie with a broken, nay MANGLED, heart. I remember her saying, a month after the last guy ripped her heart apart and amidst buckets and buckets and buckets of tears, that she'll never love the same way again. Or that perhaps she'll never really love again.

And I thought she meant that she'll never enter a psuedo-relationship again. That she'll stop being so giving. That the next time around, she'll be as heartless as the guys who've broken her heart have been.

That's what she thought as well.

And we were both wrong.

She did let herself enter another pseudo-relationship. She never stopped giving. And she can never bring herself to being as heartless as all those guys who've broken her heart.

So what's changed?

She doesn't know how to trust anymore. Her once blind faith has been totally wiped out...

Perhaps because of her failed relationships, she's resorted to always thinking that her guy will cheat on her eventually. So that when it finally happens, it will be easier to accept. So now, every little thing make her doubt... And she's almost sure that when things end with her current psuedo-relationship, it's because the guy cheated on her.

But she's soon realizing that being in the other end of the spectrum is not a good thing as well. She ends up being too much to bear that she ends up pushing people away.

She badly needs to find her middle ground. Soon.

Feeling: Photobucket bored
All ears to: the TV, showing October Road
Curled up in bed with: Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom

Zenni Optical makes the New York Times

"Seeing Straight Without Breaking the Bank", goes the New York Times' article about Zenni Optical.

I can just hear some of you saying, "Zenni Optical in the New York Times?!"

Oh yes. And why not? Zenni Optical sells Prescription eyeglasses for only $8! That in itself merits it a space in the New York Times. what's even newsworthy is the fact that not only are Zenni Optical glasses cheap, they're also very, very stylish. Take this choice of mine for example (the 4620 Metal Alloy / Stainless Steel Half-Rim Frame):


Aside from this Zenni Optical glass coming in my favorite pink (and also black, purple, blue, gold, gray, and silver), the glass is also uber simple it just screams of class.


So if you're in the market for a really good pair of glasses that does not 'break the bank', head over to Zenni Optical's site.