I've made up my mind: I'm finally getting a DS Lite!
I've been meaning to get one since...erm forever. Okay, not really forever, but I think for a year and a half now, the top spot in my "must have gadgets" list always belong to the cutesy Nintendo handheld (with the MSI S262 YA! Edition laptop coming in as close second - mostly because its pink and not because of any jaw-dropping features it might have). I fell in love with the DS Lite when Sony and I had a falling out and I stopped being in love with its handheld, the PSP. But with everything I needed to pay in the last year and a half - bills, my sister's tuition fee, allowance, etc. - the DS Lite (and everything under it) was soon forgotten.
Recently, though, I visited my one-time office. Former officemate and friend Chochi bought herself a DS just before Christmas and she was so excited to show me the black beauty that is her DS. It was pretty, pretty, pretty, pret -- Karen, stop.
Okay, it was pretty. And though I'm still very much in love with Mario Kart DS and Coooking Mama (whom I've learned has become the ultimate sell-out with the sequel Cooking Mama 2: Cooking with Friends, which lets players customize the way Mama looks), what convinced me that it's high-time I get myself this pretty, pretty toy was this:
The video you just saw was for Taiko Drum Master Portable (Taiko no Tatsujin DS). It's not exactly a new game but I only recently got acquainted with it. I had so much fun in this sort of drum/rhythm game. The song choices were oh-so-cute. Okay, so my fingers are ill-coordinated and I was bad at the game but what matters is I had so much fun!
I swear, before February ends, I will have my own DS Lite! And anybody who knows me will know what color my DS Lite will come in. (Although I wouldn't mind getting this yellow one.)
Curled up in bed with: For One More Day Mitch Albom
All ears to: the office's very, very noisy AC
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