If you've been looking for me the past few weekends and were unable to locate my whereabouts, I was just at home. Doing DVD marathons. What can I say, I'm a couch potato.
Anyhoo, since school has hit the midsem and I'm once again burdened with checking paperworks, recording scores, and churning out my students' grades, I've put Ugly Betty aside (I'm missing Christopher Gorham already). And of course, the 2008 Australian Open has given me a new preoccupation.
I can never work in a quiet environment. And sometimes, music alone can make me sleepy. Now that Ugly Betty has been put on pause, I needed something that will accompany me in the wee hours of the morning as I labour over my students' grades.
That's when I rediscovered America's Next Top Model. Sometime last week, I got hold of DVDs of the said show, cycles 3 to 9. I've already seen cycles 3 to 8 on TV (ANTM is actually one of the reasons why I think the etc channel is *love*) but I think the show is worth revisiting - it makes me relive my childhood dreams of becoming a model (I've long given up on that dream when I realized that my height is stuck at 5'1").
Without a plot to follow, ANTM became a perfect companion while I cry over student essays. The show may sometimes feature catty, irritating girls (it's a competition, what can one expect?) but the Tyra Banks-created show has also given me girls I can totally relate to, love, and admire: Eva Pigford, Joannie Dodds (I loved Danielle Evans but I still think Joanie should have won), Renee Alway. But my all-time favourite ANTM contestant (and winner) will have to be Naima Mora.
The first time I saw Naima, I just fell in love. She's edgy and pretty at the same time. And with all the spunk she projects, she just has the sweetest and the loveliest voice. I feel like if I'm going to talk to her, I'll be so entranced. I'm just so in love with her! Last night, I finished cycle 4 (I started with cycle 8 then back to 3 and 4) and I still get goosebumps while watching her dance (second to the last episode) and work that pretty, pretty runway (cycle 4's final runway remains my favourite).
My company later will be cycle 5...I'm not too excited though. I don't like Nicole Linkletter that much. She's...blah. Pretty yes, but I just didn't think she should have won as America's Next Top Model. I'm actually thinking of skipping cycle 5 and go straight to Joanie's cycle. Haha...
Anyways, I still have some modules to write and some papers to check. Before I go, I'd like to know everybody's thoughts on America's Next Top Model.
Oh well, ta-ta for now!
Curled up in bed with: If Only Geri Halliwell
All ears to: Bubbly Colbie Caillat