Tuesday, September 27, 2005


For two weeks, I've been starting my week in an emotional breakdown. Read: I go to work perky and ready to face whatever challenges the day has to offer; but when I sit down in my station I feel a heavy weight descend down my shoulders and then I start to cry. Not even the pa-shy iyak na nobody will dare notice. It's the iyak na tipo bang parang lahat ng problema sa mundo ay pasan ko na. The woes I've been crying about are not exactly new. They are the same problems I've been bantering about for the past, err, 6years?! But just these past two weeks, whenever these problems cross my mind I feel a major pain and a major urge to purge emotions.

*Sigh* It must be the time of the year...birthday's coming up and I've come to assess my life - and frankly, I don't like what I'm seeing.

*Another sigh*

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