Sunday, July 4, 2010

Random stuff


This is what the obviously tired waitress said when I asked for another cup of rice to my Mang Inasal Sulit Meal, which apparently does not include unlimited rice. Mika and I were so shocked that we just looked at each other while the waitress stomps her way far from us. When we finally recovered from the shock, we laughed our asses off because, apparently, we were thinking of the same thing: "Grammatically incorrect si ate!"


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PhotobucketI always thought getting my heart broken is the hardest thing I'd have to face. Last Friday, I realized it is not.

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PhotobucketFridays with Nette is starting to be a habit. And I'm loving it. After last week's pig out session at Hen Lin, we go back to a familiar comfort food this week: Earle's. We could never get enough of their yummy sausages. Invited to this week's rendezvous were Melvin and Newton. Hmmn, I wonder where we'll be next week? It's Mika's birthday!

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I can't believe it's Sunday already. The weekends are becoming shorter and shorter. Bummer!

Feeling: one star invincible
All ears to: The Power of Madonna Glee cast
Curled up in bed with: The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bored on a Thursday morning

Sometime in April, I posted that I am going to revive this blog. And I have not followed through on it until now. I guess I just got too swamped with work.

The reason I'm posting now is that I'm just way too bored and I don't wanna go back to sleep, a few hours before I get thrown again into the endless pit that is work. Besides, my sister's two very noisy guinea pigs are again wheek-wheek-ing, hoping for someone to feed them. Again. Haha!

Does anybody know how to silence two one-year old guinea pigs? Photobucket

Feeling: Photobucket bored
All ears to: the silence of the house
Curled up in bed with: The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank