[13:46] Madama: (I've tried to get Max to type in pink, but he won't)
[13:46] Madama: We were talking about you just the other day...
[13:46] ulzzanghailie: really?
[13:46] ulzzanghailie: what did you talk about? hmmn...
[13:46] Madama: Had a team building retreat, and we were imagining what it would've been like had you been there. LOL
[13:47] Madama: You woulda been crazy.
[13:47] ulzzanghailie: I've tried to get Max to type in pink, but he won't -->haha! good luck on that one. XD
[13:47] ulzzanghailie: you betcha! haha...Gino said he really wanted me (and Jex) to come
[13:47] ulzzanghailie: he was asking if i had any background on facilitating
[13:47] ulzzanghailie: haha!
[13:48] Madama: THAT would've went over well. LOL
[13:48] ulzzanghailie: true, true.
[13:48] ulzzanghailie: it's so sad you were not at their team building...
[13:48] ulzzanghailie: you should've been there...
[13:48] Madama: I know.
[13:48] Madama: I hope to make the next one in about 6 months.
[13:49] Madama: I would've just been a distraction for the first one anyways.
[13:49] Madama: Believe me, when I'm in Manila, we're soooo going out.
[13:49] ulzzanghailie: yeah!!!
[13:49] ulzzanghailie: i'll look forward to that!
[13:49] ulzzanghailie: i know the places we can go to.
[13:49] Madama: Me too! But I have a feeling I won't remember much of it.
[13:49] ulzzanghailie: haha! why not?
[13:50] Madama: Because I've heard you're a party girl... not sure how vicious rumors like that get started.
[13:50] ulzzanghailie: what?! who said that?
[13:50] Madama: Psh, you know it's true.
[13:50] ulzzanghailie: i party...but, i'm a "controlled" party girl (whatever that means)
[13:50] ulzzanghailie: haha
[13:51] Madama: Sure, sure. LOL
[13:51] ulzzanghailie: LOL
... ... ...
[13:51] ulzzanghailie: speaking of going out, I was out with Dexter last week
[13:51] ulzzanghailie: +ssh+
[13:52] Madama: No way!!!!
[13:52] Madama: Like, as in, a date???
[13:52] ulzzanghailie: Yes way...
[13:52] ulzzanghailie: Like, as in, a date??? -->I don't know if it was a date...
[13:52] ulzzanghailie: but we went to a bar and just...talked
[13:52] Madama: That. Is so. Not right.
[13:52] Madama: Had you talked to him since you left?
[13:53] ulzzanghailie: we just send each other SMS once in awhile
[13:53] Madama: Can I tell you how bizarre I find that?
[13:53] ulzzanghailie: go ahead...
[13:53] ulzzanghailie: (0.0)?
[13:53] Madama: I find that bizarre.
[13:53] Madama: There.
[13:53] Madama: LOL
[13:53] ulzzanghailie: LOL
[13:53] ulzzanghailie: no explanation or anything?!?
[13:53] ulzzanghailie: haha
[13:54] Madama: Well...
[13:54] Madama: I mean, I slightly remember that when Dexter and **** (I edited out the name and didn't even bother to think of a code - but if I'll replace this name with a code, it will be a compound word of seven letters starting with A and ending in E) first started up over there, Dexter thought you were pretty hot and all.
[13:54] Madama: But after a while, he just had nothing good to say about you and was constantly on your ass.
[13:54] Madama: And even after the floors split, he was on MY ass to be on YOUR ass, constantly.
[13:55] Madama: Or maybe, he was just noticing things because he was using the cams to watch YOU.
[13:55] Madama: So it's bizarre.
[13:55] ulzzanghailie: I mean, I slightly remember that when Dexter and **** first started up over there, Dexter thought you were pretty hot and all. -->and where did this come from? haha..
[13:56] Madama: It was like "oh em gee, how long were you watching Karen to get a snapshot of her skirt going higher than regulation, or having her shoes off, etc".
[13:56] ulzzanghailie: i thought it was **** who was on your ass to be on my ass?
[13:56] Madama: Well, ****'s on everyone's ass.
13:56] ulzzanghailie: well, yeah...
[13:56] Madama: But as far as "I saw Karen doing this..." it was Dexter.
[13:56] Madama: (Don't you DARE tell him I told you any of this!!)
[13:56] ulzzanghailie: tsk, tsk...
[13:57] ulzzanghailie: (Don't you DARE tell him I told you any of this!!) -->LOL. sure..it will be our *little* secret
[13:57] Madama: It better be! LOL
[13:57] ulzzanghailie: LOL
[13:57] Madama: Was he flirting on your un-date?
[13:58] Madama: (But yeah, I remember him specifically mentioning you as one of the hot Filipino girls that had taken a job... you were in the very first batch of hirings, weren't you?)
[13:58] ulzzanghailie: uhm, i honestly don't know! (bops self in the head)
[13:58] Madama: Do you care? LOL
[13:58] ulzzanghailie: LOL. I don't
[13:58] ulzzanghailie: haha!
[13:58] ulzzanghailie: yeah, i think i was on the first batch...
[13:59] Madama: You were a founder!
[13:59] ulzzanghailie: or was that second? because i came in a month after rica et. al came in
[13:59] Madama: Ohhh...
[13:59] Madama: Maybe you were.
[13:59] ulzzanghailie: You were a founder! -->no i wasn't haha! that would have to be chris and rica and maricar
[13:59] Madama: But yeah, I find the Dexter thing oh-so-hilarious.
[13:59] ulzzanghailie: LOL
[13:59] ulzzanghailie: me too...in some ways.
[14:00] Madama: I didn't think you liked him in the least.
[14:00] Madama: (Granted, you didn't like anyone who made you do things you didn't want to do, but... LOL )
[14:00] ulzzanghailie: i used to have a HUGE crush on him!
[14:00] ulzzanghailie: i even made a blog bout him. LOL
[14:01] ulzzanghailie: and. uh.
[14:01] Madama: What?!?
[14:01] ulzzanghailie: i was actually the one who asked him out. *blush*
[14:01] Madama: Just an entry, or an entire blog? LOL
[14:01] ulzzanghailie: oh, just an entry
[14:01] Madama: You DO care!!!
[14:01] ulzzanghailie: haha
[14:02] Madama: Who else knows that you went on a date? LOL
[14:02] ulzzanghailie: LOL! Mabie, of course
[14:02] ulzzanghailie: and perhaps she's told Max and Gino as well...
[14:02] Madama: Oh well, then everyone knows.
[14:02] Madama: LOL
[14:02] ulzzanghailie: they've all been rooting me to ask Dexter out
[14:02] ulzzanghailie: *out
[14:02] ulzzanghailie: Oh well, then everyone knows -->LOL!!!
[14:02] Madama: That's so bizarre.
[14:03] Madama: You're such a goofball. Go find someone taller!
[14:03] ulzzanghailie: haha!!
[14:03] ulzzanghailie: i will...
[14:04] ulzzanghailie: besides, that was just one un-date..
... ... ...
[14:07] Madama: Oh... I guess I never realized YOU were so short, so I guess Dexter works. LOL
[14:07] Madama: You're an inch away from medical midgetry!
[14:08] ulzzanghailie: that's the typical Filipina height!
[14:08] Madama: Really?
[14:08] ulzzanghailie: yeah...
[13:31] Madama: BTw, I was just watching it again and the hubby (who knows you enough because I've talked about you) said "She is a very pretty girl, tho."Haha. Woohoo!
Lost in: The Female Eunuch Germaine Greer
All ears: Hiling Paramita